Shrub Care in Florida

Lawn Master’s Plant Health Care Program

Mother Nature keeps us on our toes in Northwest Florida, and your plants and shrubs need special attention to stay healthy and strong.

Lawn Master offers a four-step comprehensive, year-round plant health care program with timely services designed for the specific plants found along the Gulf Coast. Here is an overview of Lawn Master’s Shrub Care Program:

Early Spring
A systemic insecticide is applied to your ornamental shrubs to help decrease insect populations during the growing season.

A foliar fertilizer, along with micronutrients formulated for your particular type of plants, is applied to nurture healthy, quality plants while promoting bloom potential. Insect control for damaging pests such as aphids, whiteflies, and scale is also used.

Lawn Master continues to protect your shrubs with proper fertilization and micronutrients. We will monitor and treat insects as needed.

Horticultural oil is applied to the underside of your shrubs to provide a protective layer against over-wintering adult insects and damaging eggs.

This comprehensive shrub care program was created and designed to specifically promote the healthy growth of your plants while protecting them from the threat of:

• Scale Insects
• Insects such as aphids and whiteflies
• Heat and drought stress
• Too much water

Find out more about our shrub care program and get a free lawn and shrub evaluation.

Contact Our Team

Free Evaluation of Your Lawn

Lawn Master offers a detailed evaluation of your property’s landscape that will help determine and troubleshoot problem areas. We will then come up with a personalized treatment plan to create the healthiest, most sustainable landscape possible. Before you make any final decisions, you will have time to look at a detailed report with pricing estimates. Contact us for a free evaluation.

It’s Important to Choose a Professional Lawn Care Company to Help

As a homeowner, the most responsible thing you can do is hire a reputable and experienced lawn care company. It’s important to note that not all plants should be treated the same. Not all problems require the same treatment, and not all insects are harmful. A few are even beneficial by reducing the number of other more destructive bugs. It’s important to have trained professionals take the time to identify the root cause of your problems and determine the best outcome for a solution.

As lawn care professionals living in the same community as our customers, we have the same regard for keeping our community, families, and pets safe with the most appropriate lawn care techniques. If you would like to hire a professional, reputable company to care for your home or business landscape, call Lawn Master today.

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